Sites of Accumulation #1, 2008
C-type photographic print, 120cm x 97cm
Edition of 5 (+1 AP)
Sites of Accumulation #2, 2008
C-type photographic print, 120cm x 97cm
Edition of 5 (+1 AP)
Sites of Accumulation #3, 2008
257cm x 97cm, C-type photographic print
Edition of 3 (+1 AP)
Sites of Accumulation #5, 2008
C-type photographic print, 120cm x 97cm
Edition of 5 (+1 AP)
Sites of Accumulation, 2010
Installation View
Gallerysmith, North Melbourne, Vic, Australia
Dimentions Variable
Untitled (Sites of Accumulation) #1, 2008-2009
C-type photographic print, 120cm x 97cm
Untitled (Sites of Accumulation) #2, 2008-2009
C-type photographic print, 120cm x 97cm
Untitled (Sites of Accumulation) #3, 2008-2009
C-type photographic print, dimensions variable
Untitled (Sites of Accumulation) #4, 2008-2009
C-type photographic print, dimensions variable